I'm currently sitting here admiring the talent of Bombay Bicycle Club.
I wish i was listening to Two Door Cinema Club, but i can't be arsed walking to my car.
Always like this is an absolute tune; Whoever says otherwise needs to chop off their testicles/ovaries, depending what sex you are of course. You may even be blessed enough to have both. In this case, you'll have a painful experience and a hell of a lot of chopping to do.
Fuck knows why i've decided writing a Blog is a good idea. Nobody's going to read it, apart from me and I don't really do much to talk about.
Don't get me wrong, i'm all for trying new things and going to new places, but i live in Skelmersdale; it's actually the shittest place in the world, it's truly challenged in the entertainment area. Our local shopping centre (Yes, we only have one) consists of chavvy teenage Mothers blasting the most unlistenable music you've ever heard, so bad it sounds like a recording of their child being tortured, just with a backing beat, out of their delightfully tacky Walkman phones. They think it's in 'the norm' to go shopping in their Pj's and fake slanted soled Ugg boots, browsing poundland for a cheap version of Cow & Gate so they can go and swap their Milk tokens for a bag of weed and a few king size skins. It's a true story.
It's the reason i don't spend much time here. We do have a few good fields to do fuck all in though, and a few good hills to watch sunsets on. Sunsets are my favourite.
I try to do new things, but as of the late i've sort of fallen into a routine. I go out, i get sloshed/i have a spliff, i come home. It's all gravy. Messy gravy.
You're probably thinking i'm a contradictive bitch, the difference between me and those girls are the 3 p's. Pj's, Pregnancy and Pissing off.
I sleep naked, i've never been pregnant, and pissing off is what i intend to do in the beautiful month of September.
Why do they actually call it September when it's not even the 7th month?.. I just Googled it.
I do work, not alot though. I fucking hate my job.
I used to like it, it's decent pay though but times'a'changin'.. for instance i've recently admitted to myself that i am a big fat fucking Lesbian. World War 3 went on in my head for nearly 3 years, i've always known i was different, but i just didn't want to admit how different i suppose. I'm not arsed, i'm happy, if other people aren't then they can go and suck their own ego's off. There's nothing i can really do to change how i am, and i don't think i would even if i could. I see it as a gift.
The gift of loving women. Women are the epitomy of beautiful. They're considerate, kind, and delicate, also they have the most amazing bodies on this Earth. Oh, i'm so glad i'm female.
Men on the other hand are inconsiderate bastards, well the majority of them anyway, including my Dad from time to time.
For the first time in years i'm actually happy, apart from the fact that i got a £30 fine for driving in a bus lane today, English bastard driving system. Apart from that though, i'm content as a fat twat with a multipack of Walkers.
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