
My photo
I'm 19, loyal & honest. I try my best to never let people down. I'm quite sarcastic, and i like to make people happy. Skins never fails to make me smile. I will marry Rachel Shelley. Oh, & i'm gay.

Flop your Gaydar out.

There's only one person in the world who has tracked me down good and propper.
Shanice's mum. Fuck knows she knew this, she must have one crackin' Gaydar on her, because i i act pretty damn straight to be honest with you.
Apart from the occasional knuckle crack, and manly yawn, i'm just your average straight looking girl, or am i?
Of course i'm fucking not, i'm much more than that. :)

Shanice's mum calls me the Lesbian. The first time she ever seen me was when i was hungover to death, wearing a pair of man sized Adidas Basketball shorts and a top that was at least twelve times too big, stumbling out of the house in bare feet and rolling into my boy racer car, to attempt the drive home still completely boshed. I've recieved the nicknames, Lezzer, Lesley, and Lezbomb ever since. For instance, the other day when i woke up, all i heard when i was half way down the stairs, is "What're you and the Lezbomb having for Breakfast, cheese toasties, yeah? I'll do it, you make the drinks."
At least they feed me, i mean i'm not complaining.. it doesn't bother me. Out of all the people in the world though, Shanice's mum is the first to ever suss me out good'n'propper. :) She truthfully is onto me, it's scary.

Butch tendencies: Baggy grey joggers; Biker tops; Eating habits; Gymming alot; Driving like a man; Drinking like a man; Being as sarcastic as a man; Being one of the boys; Sitting like a man; Gawping like a man; Walking like a man; Quad biking; Kickboxing; Football much?

Femme tendencies: Painting of the nails; Girly summer dresses; Sweet things; Jewellry; Perfume; Hair; Makes up; Having boobs; Too many items of clothing; Far too many pairs of shoes and bags; Underwear obsession; Making a biiiiiit of an effort; Being good at cuddles and kisses.

That's just a few examples. :') I'm extra extra glad i'm a lady though. I'm pretty vile sometimes, it's fun though.
Anyways, fuck know's how she knows.. Brenda Gaskell, i salute you woman.


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