Why is it that you spend all your days wondering where all the Gay girls are at, then suddenly you're being swarmed by so many girls? Where the actual fuck have you girls been hiding for the past 5 years? This is exactly what happened at pride. I can't remember all of my pride experience, i'm not going to lie to you. I know what did happen was good though. I was already completely frazzled before we stepped foot off the train. Jp had me drinking red wine & coke; blame him. He made me stop at bargain booze for 12 cans of Smirnoff mixers too! No wonder i was completely fucked.
I completely bailed on the guys i went with and joined Lauren's crew, they had no say in the matter. I never even intended on finding my people's again, that's how drunk i was!
Apparently i pulled 4 girls.. i can only remember kissing one lady, so it's a good job it's the one i wanted to kiss, even if it was in a toilet queue & i probably did make a holy show of myself. Oh, i'm a knob, i know. Leave me to it.
Jp seems to recall me getting off with a hot blonde in Baa bar! I can't remember this at all! Hot blonde, if you're out there, and you had a drunken Duff kissing your face off on the Saturday of Manchester pride, i'd like to hear more please. I've been told that i kissed a Shabby look alike too! I actually woke up believing i'd met Shabby, so that sort of makes sense to me. I sort of remember sitting on her knee, but then she tried to make me straddle her, & she weren't hot enough to be straddled, so i got up and went the bar.
I remember getting lost, for what seemed like hours, and i was probably driving poor Jenny insane, i stopped every 2 minutes to take my shoes off, or if they were already off, to put them back on. Anyway, the night ended in tragedy! I've been talking about this for a whole 9 days, but i spent a whole £90 on a taxi home. £90! I swear when i handed those unused notes over to that taxi driver, i handed a tiny piece of my heart over with them! 3 em <>
Apart from falling over, and being dived on by 20 odd butch girls trying to save me, 'cause i'm such a dosy bitch, the night was a success! It was a success, even though i was a failure, but i don't mind that!

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