
My photo
I'm 19, loyal & honest. I try my best to never let people down. I'm quite sarcastic, and i like to make people happy. Skins never fails to make me smile. I will marry Rachel Shelley. Oh, & i'm gay.

Fuck me.

I've not blogged in quite a while; Over a week anyway.
I've been a busy lady, but i feel the need to write it all down, so this is probably going to be a long one, unless i get half way through and decide everything i've wrote is complete shit.
I just thought i'd start by saying how devostated i am to find that i have a massive 86 mutual friends with my mum on Facebook. I don't understand Facebook, i've got over 500 friends in common with my best friend; i didn't even think i knew 500 people. Bewildered Duff.
Today i spent my day doing sweet fuck all. I just mope round the house half naked, winding people up and making a mess. My mum, or Lynduff as i like to call her, barged into my room at around 12ish asking my why my bed weren't made. I explained to her that it was probably because i was still in it, and didn't plan on moving for a good few hours.
I went to watch Psychic Sally tonight in Southport; Lauren was right, she's bollox!
Alright, she would of been good if she'd of came to me, but she never, so she's shit.
One of my best friends actually died on the stage she was on tonight. Kelsey could of cartwheeled her way past her and she would of been totally oblivious. All she kept saying was, "Thomas, i've got a Thomas. A Thomas, he might not have passed over yet.." Well i know for a fact i have several Thomas' in my family. Several dead Thomas' too, so that's a load of shit Sally, you bullshitting bitch.
I was actually contemplating standing up and saying, "OIIIIII, what about me fatty?" But i assumed i'd get kicked out, and i weren't up for standing outside in the wind, so i just suffered in silence instead.
On the way home, my Gay aunty swore that one time she did psychic tea leaves and a picture of her childhood dog appeared in the cup. She also told me that my dad used to go to Gay bars. She actually chats so much shit, she's so gullible it's unbelievable. :')
We've started a new thing too. She's Gaynor, and i'm Lesley. It's pretty amusing when nobody knows what the fuuuuuuck we're on about. I enjoyed family time though, it was nice.
In other news, i came out to another one of my friends yesterday. She was telling me that Lydia, some random girl, thought i was 'fit', and we were talking about going to Manchester's Gay Village sometime this month. We're going on the 14th and i cannot actually wait to get out of Skelmersdale for a night. I just randomly came out with it anyway, "Oh, i'm not straight me you know!"
I think she already knew, 'cause she didn't seem suprised at all. I obsess about Lily Loveless on a daily basis, i don't think anyone could think i was straight to be quite honest.

Oooooooooh, i got a letter of Goldsmiths today. It was about my accommodation. Mhmmm, i've got the one i wanted, thank fuck for that. :) HELLO ENSUITE! Cannot be fucked with complete randomers throwing up in my bathroom all night long. Ahhh, hello debt.
Anyway, there's completely no point in what i'm writing now, i've changed the subject too many times. It's an effortless load of jibber jabber.
I'm going to stop being a wanker and come back when i've got something productive to write about.
Bye bye, Blog.